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GPH3 Run #1637: Well, He’s Claiming to be Back!
: 01/09/2025
: The Boathouse at Blue Heron Lake in Golden Gate Park
: Who’s Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1636 Once Around the Lake, James!

Who’s Your Daddy brought the Gypsies’ new year’s revels back to Golden Gate Park and the Boathouse at now consecrated Blue Heron Lake. As the pack pounded piss from the keg of Lagunitas IPA, Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger wriggled in their “wokeness” over the renamed lake. Blow Queen thought that wriggling might have been less their consciousness and more they’re already being barely able to stand. Our hare in keeping with his vow to never set anything but a live trail hung out with the pack then asked for a 10-minute head start. Having returned to the US of A Blow Queen took up the Male Missal and sermonized while our hare disappeared into the night. Tricrapalete seemed especially moved by the sermon but, apparently, his lunch at Chipotle was doing the moving! Yank Me, Daddy was happy to bide his time with Choke Me, Daddy and Exaggerated Crack. He was in no hurry as long as chips were hitting the pavement and that’s where his snout stayed. The likes of Cuming Mutha, Just Fuck Off and Pastel Gazelle were chomping at the bit to test their mettle against the hare. Tempus fugited and the hares time was up and the speed demons rocketed out of the parking lot. Trail took all and sundry, the sundry being the Lost Patrol down Blue Heron Lake Dr. E before diving into the woods. Pied Piper cast his lot with the LP and stumbled along over the massive roots until coming to the non-politically correct Stow Lake Bridge. The pack crossed its bridge when it came to it and danced across the ankle breaking rocks on the other side. Even Tears Of Semen decided that discretion was the better part of valor as she ballet danced across the water. With WYD as the hare there was the inevitable passing of the restroom, in honor of WYD, Tongueless genuflected. Trail took the pack up Transverse Dr. where the pack was returned to the woods and a circling of Lloyd Lake past the Portals of the Past. Last but not least was the promenade along JFK and the climb back to the Boathouse. The keg was tapped and the picnic table covered with Vitamin J and the Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness or as E=MC Fucked likes to call it, “Hello to my hangover!” Cuming Mutha made sure to bring some home to On All 4s, what a gent! 5150 and Cheese Turd were late to the trail but as usual were in time for the piss and Bucket. They like to think they have their priorities in order. CM, D had his snout back to the ground waiting patiently for the alcohol to make never very nimble fingers even less nimble. Hand Pump arrived to accept the DFL Trophy once again. At least he didn’t have to haul away the garbage this week. Fits In was applauded for keeping T from abusing the pack with more Sword Of Power waving witless wit. The pack was allowed to carry on conversing and priming the hangover pump. The keg bit the bullet at just the right moment and the pack kissed the park goodbye. Cheers.

Published about 2 hours ago on 03/06/2025.